130 Points
"It was Wang Lung's marriage day."
96 Points
"Should he try to raise the mosquito-netting?"
90 Points
"At the age of fifteen my grandmother became the concubine of a warlord general, the police chief of a tenuous national government of China."
81 Points
"When the Goddess Nugua undertook to repair the Dome of Heaven, she fashioned at the Great Mythical Mountain under the Nonesuch Bluff 36,501 pieces of stone, each 120 feet high and 240 feet around...."
72 Points
"The vision of a tall-masted ship, at sail on the ocean, came to Deeti on an otherwise ordinary day, but she knew instantly that the apparition was a sign of destiny for she had never seen such a..."
36 Points
"The old woman remembered a swan she had bought many years ago in Shanghai for a foolish sum."