Book :: The Trial

The Trial
By: Franz Kafka
Pages: 224
Published: 1925
Genre(s): Germany
Rating: (10)


304 points

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Tipperj Tipperj

Sep 24th, 2024

forline forline

Didn't want to read Kafka but finally gave in as I passed 50. Yes, amazing, but not my favorite genre.

Jan 4th, 2018

sanayhs sanayhs

Sep 18th, 2015

christyleigh123 christyleigh123

I love Kafka and just I first read Metamorphosis in college and it disturbed me so much that I loved the psychology of his writing.... Well then I found his last published work that was only made known to the world following his death and what's even more amazing is that he never wanted it published at all! I could not stop reading it and last week I was scanning through Netflix movies and I see The Trial - an Orson Welles adaptation of Kafka's final work! Anthony Perkins plays the lead so if you have Netflix look it up!

Jul 17th, 2015

bryanoz bryanoz

Jun 23rd, 2015

red13x red13x

I did find this book a little hard going at times, it's a strange story but I did kind of like it. Definitely worth a read, although expect it to be a bit of a trial at times!

May 22nd, 2015

jwk jwk

Dec 12th, 2014

Tejas Nair Tejas Nair

Kafka has laid all that he had in mind about the perils of human society in this very book. It provokes thoughts and questions the readers about many themes, which is why as Camus perfectly said it and I quote, "It shows everything, but confirms nothing." Thought the story disappointed me and now that I know, this is an unfinished work. A good one-time read. It is apparent you will be exhausted after reading it.

Sep 27th, 2014

mariamitica mariamitica

Aug 20th, 2013

Keith Keith

Jul 30th, 2013

The Trial appears on these lists...

51st on The Novel 100 by Daniel S. Bert

3rd on 100 Books of the Century by Le Monde

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22nd on Books of the Century by Waterstone