Book :: Gilead

By: Marilynne Robinson
Pages: 247
Published: 2004
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Literary Fiction
Award(s): National Book Critics Circle Award (2004)
Pulitzer Prize (2005)
Rating: (3)


107 points

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In 1956, toward the end of Reverend John Ames's life, he begins a letter to his young son, a kind of last testament to his remarkable forebears. 'It is a book of such meditative calm, such spiritual intensity that is seems miraculous that her silence was only for 23 years; such measure of wisdom is the fruit of a lifetime. Robinson's prose, aligned with the sublime simplicity of the language of...

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Tipperj Tipperj

Sep 25th, 2024

forline forline

I know this is a great work but it's not my favorite--I just did not like the Reverend....

Jan 5th, 2018

bryanoz bryanoz

Jun 9th, 2015

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