Book :: Absalom, Absalom!

Absalom, Absalom!
By: William Faulkner
Pages: 320
Published: 1936
Genre(s): American
Historical Fiction
Award(s): Nobel Prize in Literature (1949)
Rating: (5)


246 points

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Following three families in the American South before, during, and after the Civil War, William Faulkner’ s Absalom, Absalom! tells the story of Thomas Sutpen, whose dreams of a prosperous life as a landowner and patriarch ultimately lead to his downfall. Narrated in flashbacks by Rosa Coldfield, Quentin Compson (from Faulkner’ s The Sound and the Fury), and Quentin’ s Harvard roommate, Shreve,...

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red13x red13x

I struggled to follow this or enjoy it.

May 4th, 2024

forline forline

ugh. I really, really hated this....I just didn't get it.

Jan 4th, 2018

bryanoz bryanoz

Jun 25th, 2015

Caro60 Caro60

This is a novel of darkness where the inner workings of human nature are challenging. I can't say I enjoyed it but I was challenged by it.

Jan 4th, 2015

jwk jwk

Dec 12th, 2014

Absalom, Absalom! appears on these lists...

32nd on The 20th Centrury's Greatest Hits by American Book Review

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